Friday, September 11, 2015

An Encounter with 3D Modeling of the Cortex

If you are like me, You prefer to experience things in 3D rather than in 2D. So when the opportunity comes to do so in the microscopic world of Biology, you get excited. Especially, when its a highly detailed, informative, complex, intricate, colorful, moving, beautiful section of the prefrontal cortex. Thats right, someone took the time to reveal such a beautiful piece of art. As art alone it is beautiful & complex, but when you think about what goes on in this microscopic part of the brain and how it interacts with the rest of the brain, and what the results of those interactions are?.................. Awesome!

If you would like to see the video this is from here is the link:

The 3D model was originally a part of the following paper:
"Saturated Reconstruction of a Volume of Neocortex" by: Narayanan Kasthuri8correspondenceemail, Kenneth Jeffrey Hayworth9, Daniel Raimund Berger, Richard Lee Schalek, José Angel Conchello, Seymour Knowles-Barley, Dongil Lee, Amelio Vázquez-Reina, Verena Kaynig, Thouis Raymond Jones, Mike Roberts10, Josh Lyskowski Morgan, Juan Carlos Tapia11, H. Sebastian Seung12, William Gray Roncal13, Joshua Tzvi Vogelstein14, Randal Burns, Daniel Lewis Sussman, Carey Eldin Priebe, Hanspeter Pfister, Jeff William Lichtmancorrespondenceemail

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