Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Respiratory Vocabulary

Alveolar ducts - elongated airways that have almost no ducts, only alveoli as their peripheral boundary.

Alveolar Sacs - spaces surrounded by clusters of alveoli.

Ciliated cells - tall columnar cells with cilia that project into the mucus covering the surface of the epithelium

Goblet cells - synthesize and secrete mucus

Brush cells - a general name for cells in the respiratory tract that bear short, blunt microvilli

Small granules cells - resemble basal cells but contain secretory granules. These are endocrine cells of the diffuse neuroendocrine system

Basal cells - stem cells from which the other cell types

Olfactory receptor cells - are bipolar olfactory neurons that span the thickness of the epithelium and enter the central nervous system

Supporting or sustentacular cells - columnar cells that are similar to neuroglia cells and provide mechanical and metabolic support to the olfactory receptor cells. They synthesize and secrete odorant binding.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015


While researching for one of my Histology projects, I stumbled upon this great resource.


This is a global database for pathophysiology, currated by pathologists! It has wonderful collections of histology slides, with very informative captions. It also has an immunology database that I am eager to explore further. The site is for Doctors, researchers, laboratory technicians, medical students, and biology students. So the site carries indepth information and often either has peer reviewed articles or links to them. The site is also open to the public, free of charge, however it is geared towards those who study biology.

Finally, I have found a site that has quality pictures and information I can use for my histology projects. I also will be spending much more time further exploring the website. Hopefully, Ill restrain myself from doing so.....till after I finish my projects!

I hope this post introduces this amazing resource to someone else looking for credible histology slides & information.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Digestive Vocabulary

Esophagus: the esophagus is a fixed muscular tube that delivers food and liquid from the pharynx to the stomach

Submucosa: the submucosa consists of a dense irregular connective tissue layer containing blood and lymphatic vessels, a  nerve plexus, and occasional glands

Muscularis externa: in most parts of the digestive tract the muscularis externa consists of two concentric and relatively thick layers of smooth muscle

Mucosa: the mucosa consists of a lining epithelium, an underlying connective tissue called the lamina propria and the muscularis mucosa composed of smooth muscle

Serosa: the serosa is a serous membrane consisting of a simple squamous epithelium the mesothelium and a small amount of underlying connective tissue

Gastric Mucosa: longitudinal submucosal folds, rugae, allow the stomach to distend when filled

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

The Late Post - a reflection

The busy, over-streached, suffering the snow ball effect, biology student's Lament

Histology: Epithelium, Basal Lamina, Tunica Adventita, Neuromuscular Junction, Eosinophile, Cadherin, Zonula Occludens, Lymph node, Circum Vitallea, hair follicle

"Wow, this is so interesting, I cant wait to study it, and find out as much as I can. Im gonna be able to fill in so many of the gaps in my knowledge. This is going to be fun! Im gonna read, take notes, make colorful note pages, watch histology vides, look at awesome slides of what Ive been wondering about, ask Questions, watch TED TALKs on Histology (always amazing), draw cool designs influenced by histology, hold discussions with my peers about histology, use the research projects to journey down the rabbit hole, and read other chapters in my text book - just cause a picture caught my eye!"

Night A:
"Finally done with my classes for the day! Now I can read my histo...."Hold on, you have an assignment due for this other class tonight, and a quiz, and that Discussion Post, oh dont forget to do what you said you would do for that particular person.
"Ugh, finally done....now I can read my histology book!" (Ten minutes later) the biology student is peacefully dreaming of epithelial linings, cilia, free surfaces & and basal lamina......with her head nestled in her histology text book.

Night B:
"Im so tired, I havent had a break all day, I dont remember eating lunch. I just want to sleeeeeeeep!" A friendly advise giver "sleep is important, you need to be rested, go to bed." "No, I have so many assignments I have to do!" Proceeds to try to work on the computer, zones out, watches videos, tries to read & has to read the same paragraph three times, contemplates going to bed.....re-musters up focus, has a productive 30 minutes, then.............. "what? Its 3am? It was 1:30 two seconds ago!"  Defeated, stumbles to bed.

Night C:
"I cant take it anymore! Im going to study Histology!" Starts reading histology book (or slides), enjoys reading the new information, begins to get into the text - memorizing, developing questions, associating new info with old info......
"You should do this project!" "You forgot to that lab report" "You havent excersized in a week" "You need to write that paper!"
Student is now feeling guilty for studying Histology instead of completing all the other work. Puts book aside & tries to work on a paper....proceeds very slowly, because mind is still on the histology studies.

Oh Histology, to study you more, to study you more. 

(The author of this rambling post is not looking for special favors, sympathy, or empathy. The author only hopes someone will  be entertained by this post.)

Friday, October 30, 2015

Lunar Histology

So Im on a camping trip with my pathfinder club, its Friday night & we are setting up camp in the dark. Im in camping mode - school mode has long been forgotton, and I am enjoying the break. Its a beautiful night, the sky is clear, the air is cold & refreshing, and the air is so much cleaner. The moon is almost full & is extra bright. I stop to admire the moon, in all of its bright clarity. Its a beautiful moon, and what does my mind come up with? "Oh, its a neutrophil!" (I genuinly ment it, no prior thought)

Then I realized what utter geekness had just come out of my mouth! It was hilarious, I thought I had switched modes, but I guess my brain was still filled with the facts for the exam that morning. Anyway, it was hilarious. So I found a few people around camp who could appriciate the humor.

I also texted a friend who is in medical school. After confirming how geeky my comment had been, and thoroughly rubbing it in my face, she commented that the moon actually is a lymphocyte most of the time. One of the staff camping with us, commented that sometimes the moon is sickled.

Oh what a bunch of geeks we are! It makes life so much more hilarious! Studying biology is fun, interesting, and a great challenge.........the effects it has on my brain are hilarious sometimes.

Friday, October 23, 2015

Design - Inspired by Histology

This post is a light hearted one to emphasize histology through the artistic lens. Take a break from studying, understanding, memorizing, identifying.......take a step back......and wonder at the abstract beauty of Histology. Some of the pictures are of actual tissue, some are histology inspired (whether for asthetic or humor), and some are a little of both. Enjoy. 







  1. http://www.anatomybox.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/Histology-Plates1.jpg
  2. http://www.ultralighthistology.com/images/colondetail4.jpg
  3. https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgrOkCXtYUMpLHsJVq72DGRXoY7TC_xm6RGtOH2rWRS2711tqXnwt6rATL-K4EnrW-PhLkX0o8ecaI1YYPyIRVg6BsZrk2ynsxCdGWatDtlOyqyoTfpfLAaXVZ3OvSBIDUuuuiAonS2WfU/s1600/4-histology-nail-art.jpg
  4. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CBRhgt-UsAAAvQ5.jpg
  5. http://41.media.tumblr.com/98f13856b33508413329a572482f6306/tumblr_mg5tmyUyit1s24chqo1_1280.jpg
  6. http://farm1.static.flickr.com/62/186818508_ceb68c9987.jpg
  7. https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/98/b2/d0/98b2d0ce04bf3ab7847a78faa8890888.jpg
  8. http://www.histology-world.com/image/boneart2t.jpg