Friday, October 30, 2015

Lunar Histology

So Im on a camping trip with my pathfinder club, its Friday night & we are setting up camp in the dark. Im in camping mode - school mode has long been forgotton, and I am enjoying the break. Its a beautiful night, the sky is clear, the air is cold & refreshing, and the air is so much cleaner. The moon is almost full & is extra bright. I stop to admire the moon, in all of its bright clarity. Its a beautiful moon, and what does my mind come up with? "Oh, its a neutrophil!" (I genuinly ment it, no prior thought)

Then I realized what utter geekness had just come out of my mouth! It was hilarious, I thought I had switched modes, but I guess my brain was still filled with the facts for the exam that morning. Anyway, it was hilarious. So I found a few people around camp who could appriciate the humor.

I also texted a friend who is in medical school. After confirming how geeky my comment had been, and thoroughly rubbing it in my face, she commented that the moon actually is a lymphocyte most of the time. One of the staff camping with us, commented that sometimes the moon is sickled.

Oh what a bunch of geeks we are! It makes life so much more hilarious! Studying biology is fun, interesting, and a great challenge.........the effects it has on my brain are hilarious sometimes.

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